Take me away with you—let us hurry!
–Song of Songs 1:4
When Jim and I were dating, I was pleased to discover his creative, romantic side. Little things he did, such as sending me a love note hidden in a Coke bottle, made me feel special. I treasured those romantic moments from our early days together.
After we were married, we were extremely busy—Jim was finishing graduate training and I was teaching school. But we were still able to set aside an occasional weekend for just the two of us. We would wander through department stores, holding hands, laughing, and talking. We loved to windowshop for furniture and dream about how we hoped to decorate our house of the future. We would enjoy a light breakfast andthen plan a candlelit dinner somewhere for the evening.
Life became even more hectic in the coming years, as God blessed our efforts in His service. We came to a point where we desperately needed some time alone. We arranged for my mother to keep the kids, and we drove six hours north to a winter wonderland called Mammoth, California. That weekend turned out to be a highlight of our marriage. I felt like a college girl again. We talked along the way and stopped to eat whenever it suited our fancy. The next morning we donned our ski clothes and headed for a wonderful restaurant, The Swiss Café. Hilda, the bubbly Swedish lady who owned the restaurant, called me "Shoooolie."
Our conversation at the breakfast table took us back into each other's worlds. Jim’s eyes never looked bluer, and the love that’s always there between us, steady and committed, surged to an emotional peak.
Driving to the ski lodge was equally exhilarating. The roads looked like a Christmas card. The giant evergreens appeared majestic in their white fur coats. I knew it was going to be a great day for skiing. Once on the mountain, we swished back and forth across the slopes like two adolescents.
We were wonderfully exhausted driving back to the condo. Jim prepared a cozy fire in the fireplace while I made our favorite meal of fried burritos. We ate dinner by the firelight, discussing our day and an endless variety of topics. After the dinner dishes were cleaned up, we pulled the pillows off the couch, chose some of our favorite records, and put them on the stereo. We relaxed in front of the fire and talked for hours. We also agreed to try to repeat our private rendezvous at least once a year. The memories of that weekend motivated me for many days to be the wife and mother I needed to be.
Is it time for you to take a similar romantic trip? Even if finances are tight, just being together can rekindle "that lovin' feeling." All that is needed is a little effort and creative flair. Talk with your mate; ask him or her what would bring new interest and excitement to your marriage. Then schedule at least two "getaway" activities a month when you can be alone together. If you keep the fire of your relationship well tended with romance, you'll enjoy its warmth throughout your marriage.
From Dr. James and Shirley Dobson’s daily devotion Night Light for Couples.