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October 31, 2016

Praying for America and the Election

America is at a crossroads. On November 8, the citizens of this great republic will elect a new President and Vice-President (and vote in many other state and local elections). It’s been said that the 2016 Presidential Election is one of the most important elections of our lifetime. Perhaps that has been said before in other years about other elections. But this one seems particularly crucial, especially for people of faith.

That’s why many spiritual leaders across our land have called for prayer for such a time as this.

And we can join them.

Indeed, our prayers really can make a difference. James 5:16 reminds us that “The prayer of a righteous man in powerful and effective.”

Men and women, let’s ask, seek and knock on the door of God’s heart. Let’s come boldly before Him knowing He will answer.

Are you with me?

Here are two brief, but powerful prayers, you can pray alone or with a group to intercede for our nation.

Prayer for America

Lord, thank you for this great nation. You have blessed America. Thank you for the freedoms we enjoy, and the liberty to elect leaders on a national, state and local level. Though we are a diverse and independent people, please give us unity. Keep us at peace. We repent of our personal sins and ask for your mercy and forgiveness for the sins of our nation. We seek your face and your favor for the land that we love. Bless us, O Lord, that we may do your will. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Prayer for National, State and Local Leaders

Lord, we pray for the elected officials in America who serve at the national, state and local levels—the ones currently in office and the ones who will be chosen in the upcoming election. Give these men and women in positions of influence and power the conscience and morality to make wise and right decisions. Help them to govern with integrity and uphold the office in which they serve with honor. May all of these leaders serve with honesty, righteousness and fairness. We ask boldly and we ask believing for your best. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

What is my plan on November 8? Pray. Vote. And then keep on praying for America.

As Eric Metaxas said recently, “Anyone who says they are not going to vote in this election simply doesn’t understand what’s at stake. It’s all hands on deck. God forbid we should sit this one out.”

May God bless America. For His glory and His good purposes.

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