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Making Marriage Last

Guest: Dr. Scott Stanley

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Making Marriage Last

Guest: Dr. Scott Stanley

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March 29, 2019

When Hopes and Dreams Die, It's Time for a "Resurrection" in Your Life

Everyone has hopes and dreams for the future, things we want to do in this brief and beautiful lifetime. Maybe you want to (finally) lose weight, or write a book, or start a business. Perhaps you want to find the love of your life and have kids. 

But then, you get busy—or life happens—and your dream seems more than just out of reach, it seems dead. Done. Finished. Over. Dried up like the Sonoran Desert in the summertime (where it reaches over 107ºF in July). 

Now what?

The good news is this: there is hope. In the midst of your confusion or hidden pain, take heart and remember anew the power of the resurrection that's available in your life today.

As Christians around the world celebrate Easter, we remember the true story of Jesus Christ dying on a wooden Cross and rising from the dead—alive and victorious! He said He would and He did! Christ defeated death so we could live forgiven and free, empowered by the Holy Spirit. 

But before the resurrection, there had to be a death. We often want to skip over the hard part and get to the good stuff, the triumph and victory. Yet, the reality is there is a loss—Jesus had to die—and we need to acknowledge that loss, with the Cross and in the "death" of our own dreams. 

And we need to grieve our loss. To name it. And to be sad, if only for a time, that it has not come to pass. And then we grow from it. 

We grieve, and we grow. 

And we anticipate, with faith, a "resurrection" of our own dreams.

We can take heart and feel hope arise as we remember that what was true thousands of years ago is still true at this very moment: the same power that raised Jesus Christ from the dead is available to us today—and every day. (Check out Ephesians 1:19-20)

So, while your dreams may seem dead or dormant, the power of our living and loving God can resurrect and bring them to life again. He has the power—the strength and ability fueled by love—to make real and lasting changes. In His way. In His timing. 

He brings wholeness from brokenness, 
He creates order from chaos, 
He brings prodigals home, 
He heals our infirmities, 
He frees us from the grip of sin and temptation,
He resurrects dreams and desires, 
He helps us to love again.
And so much more.

God makes the impossible possible. 

Just as an expectant gardener tills the soil, plants seeds, and waters the ground, surrender your hopes and dreams and brokenness in the soil of faith. Keep them well-watered by reading God's Word, talking with God in prayer, praising Him and thanking Him for all He has done. 

Expect God to grow new life in you and your circumstances. And trust the One who loves you most for His best.

It's time for a resurrection. 

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