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Toxic Empathy: How Progressives Exploit Christian Compassion, Part 2

Guest: Allie Beth Stuckey


May 3, 2017

When Will You Be Free?

“Look at me. I stand at the door. I knock. If you hear me call and open the door,
I’ll come right in and sit down to supper with you.” 
Revelation 3:20 msg 

How many women do you know who are really free? I don’t know many. Bondage is everywhere. We’re haunted by our pasts, burdened by self-pity, unwilling or unable to forgive ourselves or others, and held captive by our need to control. Instead of living big lives, we live small ones. Instead of living boldly, we live timidly. Instead of running freely we limp along, dragging the leg irons we’ve clamped onto our own legs.

That’s not what Jesus wants for us.

A life with Christ is a life of possibility, change, and new beginnings. It’s a life of hope, second chances and dreams come true. It’s a life of freedom—but only if you choose to embrace the liberty He offers. He wants to come into your heart to set you free.

Being free begins by letting Christ into your heart. He’s knocking. Do you hear Him? Then open the door and let Him in.


I choose freedom, Lord. Free me from my past, my burdens, my aching heart. Restore me so I can run freely and live enormously and abundantly in You! Amen.

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