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The Eclipse of God - Part 2

Guest: Dr. Erwin Lutzer

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The Eclipse of God - Part 2

Guest: Dr. Erwin Lutzer

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Guest: Dr. Erwin Lutzer

Homeschooling Today - Part 2

Guest: Jay and Heidi St. John


August 23, 2024

Free Abortion at the DNC

Free Abortion at the DNC

Abortion is not a right. But abortion is definitely a rite. What do I mean? As I’ve written in Reenchanting Humanity, abortion is a key part of the modern Western worldview. Abortion is not a bug in Western humanist software; abortion is the centerpiece of modern secularism. 

There is nothing “neutral” about abortion. It is the fruit of an entirely godless ideology. It starts with us being our own little gods, ruled only by ourselves. We live “our truth,” and we are the lords of our bodies — “my body, my choice” is our mantra. For this reason, when a woman kills her child, she is in many ways living out her “faith”— which is not of God but of demons. 

We recently saw a horrifying expression of this pagan worldview. At the 2024 Democratic National Convention (DNC) in Chicago, the Planned Parenthood Great Rivers chapter publicly promoted “FREE vasectomies & medication abortion.” The marketing language was as casual as it was cruel. Instead of no-cost helpings of shaved ice, visitors could pop by and terminate a baby.

We must not grow desensitized to the evil of abortion. 

Intentionally taking the life of a preborn child is not merely an individual sin (as it surely is). Abortion must be understood as a military action carried out in an unrelenting campaign of spiritual war. This effort is ancient, and it has been led by Satan himself. Satan was the one behind Canaanite child-sacrifice in the ancient Near East (Jeremiah 19:5). Satan was the one who had many babies killed in trying to stave off the Messiah (Matthew 2:16-18). In our time, Satan is the unseen CEO of Planned Parenthood, chairing every board meeting, cheerleading every baby-murder, blinding every mind, and searing every conscience.

Christians must stand against Satan’s culture of death. 

Life is a human right, and every baby is a gift from God (Psalm 127:3). In our Christian family-building, gospel proclamation, and political engagement, we embody our love for life. Further, as Isaiah did long ago, we call “everyone who thirsts” to “Come, buy wine and milk without money and without price” (Isaiah 55:1, ESV). 

We live amidst a spiritual war. Long ago, Satan became a snake to destroy us, but Jesus became a baby to save us. While the world peddles death at no cost, we present spiritual life—full and free—in Christ.    

As Christians, we bring life into the world—not death.

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