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Guest: Dr. Scott Stanley

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Making Marriage Last

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December 26, 2023

6 Really Good Reasons to Have Hope

The unexpected betrayal. The stack of unpaid bills. The radical immorality and wickedness in our world.  Sometimes the worries and concerns of life can weigh us down like boulders in a backpack. Maybe, like me, you could use some positive encouragement that things will get better.

When you feel like giving up or giving in to despair, it’s time to call to mind the amazing hope we have as Christ-followers.

Hope is having the courage to trust that God will not only come through, but that He will come through for you.

Hope is not crossing your fingers and making a wish, it’s bowing your head and saying a prayer. It’s expecting God to answer, even when you have no idea when or how the answer will come.

You and I can have hope for the future and for today. Here are six powerful reasons why:

1.    God is sovereign. That means He is in control, and you can trust Him even when you do not understand.

2.    God is loving. He accepts you unconditionally, despite your circumstances or poor choices. He’s chosen you; and He’s just waiting for you to choose Him back.

3.    God is wise. He knows what He's doing, and His wisdom and ways are far beyond our comprehension.

4.    God keeps His promises. He is trustworthy to do what He says He will do.

5.    God is faithful. He is totally reliable and utterly dependable.

6.    God provides. He is with you and He is for you. He will take care of you.

We connect with the source of hope (and love and wisdom and so much more) through prayer. Prayer is powerful because God is powerful. He longs to build a relationship with us, and one way we do that is through the two-way dialogue of prayer—talking and listening. We are connecting with the One who loves us most.

God has the power to change things—and change us. We are invited to come boldly, to come believing and to come to Him often. "Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need." (Hebrews 4:16)

Life can be messy and chaotic and hard to understand at times. Thankfully, we can find comfort and strong hope in the words of Jesus:

"In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."  (John 16:33) 

Basking in the sunshine of God's light and truth changes us. It has changed me. In fact, I think the ice around my discouragement is starting to melt. Perhaps spring will come after all.

Keep praying and have hope. 

There are infinitely better days ahead.