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Inauguration 2025: What’s Next for America

Guest: Gary Bauer


September 28, 2015

6 Ways for Singles to Wait Well

"You can't hurry love, no, you just have to wait." The lyrics to this popular Phil Collins song resonate with many singles. It's not easy to wait for true and lasting love—especially when you've been searching for years, or even decades.

So imagine my delight when I heard the good news about Nancy Leigh DeMoss' engagement a few years ago.

At the time, it rocked the Christian singles world because Nancy—a popular author, speaker, and Bible teacher—was marrying for the first time at the age of 56. And that brought hope to many discouraged single women and men over a certain age. It revealed that marriage was possible at any life stage.

This wonderful woman married Robert Wolgemuth (an author and literary agent) and someone she had known for many years.

In her engagement post, Nancy emphasized that her life mission had not changed:

"It will now be our life mission to magnify the Lord together and to shine a spotlight on the loveliness and the amazing, saving love of Christ, our heavenly Bridegroom… Our intent is to continue serving Him wholeheartedly, trusting Him to make us even more spiritually fruitful together than we could be apart."

While I couldn't be happier for this couple, how do the rest of us uncoupled singles press on and wait well?

Whether you are never-married, divorced, or widowed, here are six helpful ways to maintain your hope as you wait on God's best—whether that includes a marriage partner or not.

6 Ways for Singles to Wait Well

1. Priorities. What or whom are you putting first in your life? God or finding a mate? The Lord desires to be first in your life always—married or single. And with good reason, when you put Him first, everything else becomes aligned for His good purposes. "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." Matthew 6:33

2. Prayer. Are you praying for your future and your future spouse? Why not start now. Prayer changes things. Ask God to help you become the man or woman He desires for you to be, and pray for the man or woman he has for you to marry. Be specific about what you need. Our job is to surrender the dream and trust God for the outcome, knowing He has our best in mind.

3. Passion. Live your dreams now. Don't put them on hold or wait for a special someone to come along to buy a house, travel, or start a business. Use your talents and gifts. Serve in your church and community. Do what God has called you to in this season of life.

4. Perseverance. Waiting can be hard, to be sure. But instead of being angry, impatient, or anxious, you can trust in the One who loves you most to bring what is best—in His perfect will, in His own way, and timing.

5. Praise. Thank God for all He has done and is doing in your life. Instead of bemoaning your state of singleness, lift your head in gratitude for God's gifts and blessings. There are so many! In all seasons of life, God is good.

6. Peace. With a renewed perspective and the power of God, you truly can find peace as a single person. God is sovereign. He is in control and He knows what He's doing. As you wait, you can have peace because God has a plan. Trust His good and loving ways.