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The Last Days - Part 2

Guest: Anne Graham Lotz

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The Last Days - Part 2

Guest: Anne Graham Lotz

The Last Days - Part 1

Guest: Anne Graham Lotz

Unshaken Faith

Guest: Sally Burke


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March 08, 2024

Teacher-Parent Alliance?

A new poll by the Pew Research Center suggests the two big far-left teacher's unions don't represent most teachers when it comes to explicit sex and gender curriculum in the classroom. The National ...

February 14, 2024

“Woke Kindergarten” Wants Your Kids

The American public and members of Congress were justifiably angry when major U.S. universities tolerated and, in some cases, promoted raw anti-Semitism after the Hamas massacre of Israelis on ...

January 08, 2024

Parental Rights Advance in Texas

Texas continues to lead the nation in protecting children from sexually inappropriate books and supporting parental rights. As 2023 drew to a close, the Texas Board of Education voted to require ...

January 05, 2024

What Was He Thinking? Ohio’s Governor Stands With Trans Insanity

We are deeply disappointed in Ohio Governor Mike DeWine. He closed out 2023 by vetoing a commonsense bill that would have protected Ohio's children from the toxic transgender ideology. The ...

December 28, 2023

About Those Books...

An openly homosexual school board member in Fairfax County, Virginia, was just sworn into office on a stack of sexually explicit books that many leftists insist are being banned. I've seen this done ...

December 22, 2023

Does America Need More Boys in Dresses?

Reports continue to come in from across the country of contemptible efforts to indoctrinate very young children with LGBTQ+ ideology. This information is a reminder that parents cannot "let down our ...

December 20, 2023

Pro-Life Youth Not Voting?

The Kennedy School Institute of Politics at Harvard University has released the results of its Fall 2023 Youth Poll. The Institute sampled 2,098 young Americans between the ages of 18 and 29. The ...

December 15, 2023

Moral Cowards In Academia

The clueless testimony presented by the presidents of three elite American universities before the House Education and the Workforce Committee has ignited a national firestorm. The hearing dealt with ...