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The Last Days - Part 2

Guest: Anne Graham Lotz

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The Last Days - Part 2

Guest: Anne Graham Lotz

The Last Days - Part 1

Guest: Anne Graham Lotz

Unshaken Faith

Guest: Sally Burke


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February 09, 2024

Biden Justice Department Persecutes Pro-Life Activists

Once again, peaceful, pro-life activists are facing the possibility of a decade behind bars and crushing fines after being prosecuted by the Biden Justice Department. The pro-life advocates were ...

January 26, 2024

Pro-Lifers Stand Strong During D.C. Winter Storm

Friday, January 19th was a great day for the pro-life movement in Washington, D.C. In brutally cold and snowy weather, representing JDFI and Dr. James Dobson, I joined over 100,000 people at the ...

January 17, 2024

Get Abortion Out Of Our Military!

A commanding officer of the Arkansas Air National Guard has just resigned from his position because of abortion. Here's the back story. In 2022, the Supreme Court decided in the Dobbs v. Jackson ...

January 15, 2024

God Bless The Life Centers

Pro-life pregnancy centers continue to be maligned by the media, pro-abortion politicians, and abortion profiteers such as Planned Parenthood. These pro-life centers are often accused of ...

January 10, 2024

Words Can Kill

Why have those of us who believe in the sanctity of life lost seven straight state referenda across America since the overturn of Roe v. Wade? The pro-life movement is working overtime to answer that ...

December 08, 2023

Stop The Abortion Juggernaut

Pro-abortion extremists have shocked the pro-life movement in a string of victories on referenda across America. At least four states have amended their constitutions to permit virtually unlimited ...

November 27, 2023

Ohio: Abortion Haven?

Well, that didn't take long. On November 7th, 56% of Ohio voters dealt a blow to its pro-life reputation by voting to amend their state constitution to permit most abortions. Now, a gleeful Planned ...

November 22, 2023

The Abortion Narrative Is Wrong

After yet another disappointing result for pro-life candidates and ballot initiatives in the 2023 "off-year" elections, the media narrative on abortion is just as wrong today as it has always been. ...