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The Last Days - Part 2

Guest: Anne Graham Lotz

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The Last Days - Part 2

Guest: Anne Graham Lotz

The Last Days - Part 1

Guest: Anne Graham Lotz

Unshaken Faith

Guest: Sally Burke


Joe Waresak

Joe Waresak
Joe Waresak is the president of the Dr. James Dobson Family Institute (JDFI). Previously, he served as JDFI’s chief operating officer for five years.

April 22, 2024

Why Every Man Needs to Say No to Porn

Author: Joe Waresak

A survey finding from Covenant Eyes indicated that 93% of boys view online porn before they reach the age of 18 (62% for girls). To say that porn is pervasive in our culture is a gross ...

April 8, 2024

What Does A Real Man Look Like?

Author: Joe Waresak

Within the Master's design for humanity, He created two distinct genders in His image—male and female. From Genesis to numerous books of the New Testament, God provides a very defined ...

October 10, 2023

Staying Spiritually Grounded and Surrounded (and teaching our kids to do the same)

Author: Joe Waresak

Our world is a much different place today than it was merely a decade ago. It wasn't too far in the distant past that the norms of our culture seemed to overlap with many foundational ...

August 30, 2023

Six Lessons My Kids Must Learn Before Leaving Grade School

Author: Joe Waresak

I have seen this happen over and over again in my life and the lives of others. If we don't teach and train our children, the world will gladly do it for us. Given today’s culture, this ...

May 1, 2023

The Family, A Man’s Greatest Battle Cry

Author: Joe Waresak

It only takes a few moments consuming today's media to determine that the world is at war with manhood. At the core of this epic battle is intense combat that is ripping apart our families. ...

April 11, 2023

The Culture's New Clothes For Your Kids

Author: Joe Waresak

Elementary children somewhere today are listening intently as their teacher reads to them during story time. The book is about a biological boy who decided he was really a girl. Naturally, ...

April 4, 2023

Holding Fast to the Hope Within Us

Author: Joe Waresak

This past week America experienced yet another horrific shooting that involved the murdering of young children. Such senseless loss is heartbreaking. Every day, news outlets are filled with ...

March 20, 2023

Pornography's 3 Big Lies

Author: Joe Waresak

Having been involved in family ministry for over 18 years, I have walked alongside many men struggling with some form of pornography. I can count on one hand the men that I've known that ...