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Making Marriage Last

Guest: Dr. Scott Stanley

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Making Marriage Last

Guest: Dr. Scott Stanley

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February 23, 2017

Why faithfulness is all that matters

The lot is cast into the lap, but its every decision is from the Lord. 
Proverbs 16:33 

There was a missionary in China who rode the bus every day. This gave her a great chance to meet new people and get into conversations about Christianity. She would sometimes hand out Bibles – but she only did so to those who asked because she could be deported if it was discovered.

Someone befriended her on the bus one day and asked for a Bible. So like always, she pulled one out of her bag and shared it. The recipient immediately went to the authorities. And soon, the missionary and her family were deported from China.

Being obedient to what the Lord has called you to do can often cost you – sometimes greatly. But God never holds us responsible for the results of our endeavors. He only asks that we be faithful and obedient to His calling.

Step forward in obedience, and trust God for the results!

Prayer Challenge:

Pray that God would give you the faith to remain obedient to Him even if it means hardship.

Questions for Thought:

Have you ever done something out of obedience to God and failed?

How does the truth that the results of your obedience are up to God give you comfort?

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