In this playful clip, we meet Brenen and Morgan Beeler. They share their childhood connections to Dr. James Dobson’s ministries and their heartfelt desire to help young couples through this new marriage and parenting video series.
The Bible tells us to “consider others more important than ourselves.” This is especially crucial in marriage, where becoming complacent and selfish is easy. In this video, Brenen and Morgan Beeler ...
The Bible instructs husbands to live with their wives in “an understanding way.” That means to value and honor their opinion. In this video, Brenen and Morgan Beeler explain that respect should go ...
It is often more difficult to forgive those who are closest to us. When someone whom we trust and care for deeply hurts us, it can leave wounds that are slow to heal. In this video, Brenen and Morgan ...
Marriage can be the greatest thing that ever happened in your life. Sadly, many people don’t have that experience. They might have something that looks like a good marriage, but when the storms come, ...
When we look at problems from one perspective, we often don’t see the full picture. In this short video, Brenen and Morgan Beeler share a simple way to develop a more complete understanding. Doing ...
One of the greatest blessings parents can give their children is to teach them what to do when hard times arise. Too many people don’t know where to turn when the storms hit. In this video, Brenen ...
God gave us His Word so that we might learn His ways and the right way to live. When we go against His principles, we open ourselves to the painful consequences of sin. In this video, Brenen and ...
One effective way to guide your children in their relationships, especially as they become teenagers, is to know their friends. The people your kids hang out with will significantly influence their ...
Christian parents are called to use biblical guidelines when teaching, disciplining, and relating to their kids. However, failure is part of being human. In this video, Brenen and Morgan Beeler ...
One effective way to guide your children in their relationships, especially as they become teenagers, is to know their friends. The people your kids hang out with will significantly influence their ...