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The Last Days - Part 2

Guest: Anne Graham Lotz

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The Last Days - Part 2

Guest: Anne Graham Lotz

The Last Days - Part 1

Guest: Anne Graham Lotz

Unshaken Faith

Guest: Sally Burke


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April 15, 2021

The Democrats' Court-Packing Scheme

Democrats in the House and Senate have introduced unscrupulous legislation to expand the U.S. Supreme Court from 9 to 13 seats. This brazen attack on the judiciary—known as court-packing—is as ...

April 14, 2021

Dr. James Dobson Responds to NCAA Board of Governor's Surrender to Men in Women's Sports

April 14, 2021 — On Monday, the NCAA Board of Governors staked out its position on the issue of biological men competing in women's sports. Not surprisingly, the NCAA's stance was one of complete ...

April 09, 2021

Dr. James Dobson Condemns President Biden’s First Step Toward Packing the U.S. Supreme Court

April 9, 2021 — President Joe Biden continues to bow to the demands of his cohorts on the extreme left. On Friday, he issued an executive order to form a commission that will study "reforms" to the ...

April 07, 2021

Cowardice and Courage in Nebraska

The Nebraska Department of Education has released its proposed health education standards. Not surprisingly, they are cowering before LGBTQ activists and have set forth plans that would require ...

April 07, 2021

A Win For Freedom of Speech and Religion

A federal appeals court has issued a ruling in favor of a Christian professor who was punished by his university for refusing to bow to transgender ideology. In 2018, Professor Nicholas Meriwether ...

April 06, 2021

Same-Sex Marriage Now Has Majority Support Among Democrats and Republicans

For years, our culture has proclaimed that marriage between one man and one woman is a relic of the past, and that its supporters are hanging on to an antiquated and bigoted ideal. They've been very ...

April 06, 2021

Absurdity in Ohio Underscores the Need for National School Choice

A public school in Ohio is requiring freshman students to read a slam poetry book "about a girl who liberates herself by abandoning her Christian faith and engaging in sexual promiscuity," according ...

April 06, 2021

South Dakota Takes A Stand For Life

Today in the United States, nearly 70% of babies with Down syndrome are aborted. Many expectant mothers who receive a Down syndrome diagnosis are pressured to have an abortion. Some are urged to do ...