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The Last Days - Part 2

Guest: Anne Graham Lotz

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The Last Days - Part 2

Guest: Anne Graham Lotz

The Last Days - Part 1

Guest: Anne Graham Lotz

Unshaken Faith

Guest: Sally Burke


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August 30, 2022

Help Us Stop Department of Education's Radical Gender Ideology

There is a growing backlash against the transgender ideology being pushed on innocent young children. Multiple states have passed or are considering legislation to get this radical ideology out of ...

August 23, 2022

Some Good News — Really!

In 1956, Congress voted unanimously to make "In God We Trust" our national motto. Sadly, over the years since then, God has been kicked out of our classrooms with predicable results. But maybe the ...

August 08, 2022

Parents–Before Your Kids Start Doing Their Homework Again, You Need to Do Yours

Beginning as a trickle and turning into a tidal wave in a few weeks, America’s 13,000 school districts are gearing up for the 2022/23 school year. Soon your children will be doing homework. But we ...

February 10, 2022

Clemson University Official Says Republican Applicants are Part of an "Oppressive Group"

An admissions counselor at Clemson University recently found herself in hot water after referring to Republican applicants as part of an "oppressive group." Monica Rozman posted on Snapchat that "no ...

February 10, 2022

Teachers Trade Education for Indoctrination

There was a time when students would seek out teachers for extra help with their studies. Now, some teachers are recruiting students to advance their LGBTQ agenda. Jessica Konen, a California mother, ...

January 19, 2022

Parents Are Increasingly Rejecting Public Schools

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 11.1 percent of K-12 students nationwide are now homeschooled. In the spring of 2020, that number was 5.4 percent. What is causing parents, and their students, to ...

January 12, 2022

New Jersey Students Being Questioned About Gender Identity

Should public school officials be allowed to question nine-year-old children about their sexual identity and behavior? That's exactly what happened in New Jersey. Parents say "No!" Thankfully, ...

January 10, 2022

Expelling Smut From School Libraries

Parents aren't the only ones expressing outrage over the increasingly graphic and sexual content in public school libraries. Oklahoma is the latest state to fight back with proposed legislation to ...