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The Last Days - Part 2

Guest: Anne Graham Lotz

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The Last Days - Part 2

Guest: Anne Graham Lotz

The Last Days - Part 1

Guest: Anne Graham Lotz

Unshaken Faith

Guest: Sally Burke


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November 08, 2022

Transgender Ideology vs. The Constitution

The transgender movement and its radical ideology have been fully embraced by the political left and American educational and cultural elites. They are demanding that everyone embrace this latest ...

November 07, 2022

Public Says Slow Down on Trans, in partnership with McLaughlin and Associates, has released an eye-opening survey on voter attitudes toward the transgender movement. It shows deep skepticism and opposition to ...

November 04, 2022

Book Burners In Publishing?

When concerned parents try to get sexually explicit books, often with LGBTQ+ themes, out of children's libraries, they are accused of censorship and "book burning." Of course, what parents are really ...

October 27, 2022

Suffer the Little Children

Speaking at the White House, President Joe Biden has just endorsed the sterilization and mutilation of our children. This is a sad day for our country. Here's the background. Biden invited Dylan ...

October 20, 2022

Affirm Your Child's Gender Identity Or Else?

Virginia State Delegate Elizabeth Guzman wants to go after parents who don't embrace radical gender ideology. In a recent interview, she announced her intention to introduce legislation that would ...

October 17, 2022

America's Diplomats Going Trans?

The lights are burning late at the State Department these days. North Korea is shooting missiles into the Sea of Japan, Communist China is threatening Taiwan, and President Biden recently told a ...

October 07, 2022

Young Women Fighting Back

The radical trans movement has relentlessly bullied anyone who questions their "gender-bending" ideology. Powerful corporate CEOs have caved to their demands. The mighty U.S. military, under "woke" ...

September 22, 2022

The Public Wants Our Children Protected

The battle about what to teach children in public schools concerning sexual orientation and gender identity is raging all over America. A radical LGBTQ+ agenda is being pushed in elementary schools, ...