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The Last Days - Part 2

Guest: Anne Graham Lotz

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The Last Days - Part 2

Guest: Anne Graham Lotz

The Last Days - Part 1

Guest: Anne Graham Lotz

Unshaken Faith

Guest: Sally Burke


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December 07, 2021

Is the Biden Administration Working to Conceal Teacher Sex Crimes?

Under the Trump administration, the Department of Education (DOE) sought to gain "a fuller understanding of sexual violence perpetrated by teachers and staff against students." Under the Biden ...

November 10, 2021

America is Heading in the Wrong Direction

A recent poll reveals that 7 out of 10 Americans believe the U.S. is headed in the wrong direction. The poll, conducted by NBC News, reveals that 54 percent of respondents disapprove of President ...

November 09, 2021

Biden Administration May Institute a "Marriage Penalty"

You can't have a strong nation without strong marriages and families. Unfortunately, recent actions by the Biden administration may deal another blow to the institution of marriage. As CNBC reports, ...

November 02, 2021

17 States Tell the Biden Administration and Justice Department to Back Off

It turns out parents don't appreciate being labeled "domestic terrorists" for expressing concern about radical policies being advanced in public schools. And states across the country are supporting ...

October 31, 2021

Can Christians be Forced to Pay for Gender "Transition" Surgeries?

The Biden administration has reinterpreted the meaning of "sex" in federal law and claims that unlawful "sex discrimination" in the workplace includes gender identity and sexual orientation. This ...

September 15, 2021

Texas Battles Biden Administration on Abortion

On September 1, the U.S. Supreme Court refused to block the Texas Heartbeat Act, thereby allowing the law to go into effect. This life-saving legislation ensures that if a heartbeat is detected in a ...

September 14, 2021

20 States Stand Together to Oppose Biden Administration’s LGBTQ Agenda

The Biden administration wants to mandate transgender pronoun use, allow biological males to compete in girls' athletics, and sacrifice women's privacy and safety in the name of "tolerance." Twenty ...

August 25, 2021

Federal Court Blocks Biden Abortion Policy

As President, Donald Trump consistently acted to protect the sanctity of human life. His administration passed a rule that ensured medical professionals wouldn’t be forced to participate in ...