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Up Close and Personal with Zig, Part 1

Guest: Zig Ziglar

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Up Close and Personal with Zig, Part 1

Guest: Zig Ziglar

Making Marriage Last

Guest: Dr. Scott Stanley

Memories of Ronald Reagan

Guest: Dr. James Dobson


Senior Living Ministries

January 16, 2018

The Right Reaction to Unfair Criticism

The famous English evangelist George Whitefield learned that it was more important to please God than men. With full confidence that he was honoring the Lord, Whitefield endured scathing ...

January 10, 2018

Overcoming the fear of sharing the gospel

A condemned prisoner awaiting execution was given the usual privilege of choosing his last meal. The prison guards looked in bewilderment when the meal arrived. It was a plate full of ...

January 3, 2018

Are you hoping or wishing?

Eugene Peterson, who translated The Message Bible, points out that what a lot of people call “hope” is really something different. It's wishing, not hoping: and wishing and hoping are no

December 27, 2017

Where to find the strength you need to keep going

Years ago when the New York Yankees were managed by Ralph Houk, baseball game schedules were much more demanding. In fact, teams usually played at least one double-header every week. ...

December 20, 2017

The key to avoiding spiritual blindness

In November of 1991, a freak dust storm caused a massive pileup along Interstate 5 near Coalinga, California. Over a dozen people were killed, and many more were injured as the massive ...

December 13, 2017

What Can Kids Teach You About Heaven?

In her memoirs, First Lady Rosalynn Carter told of some of the odd things she learned about White House history when she was there. One thing she learned was that the children of James A. ...

December 6, 2017

Is God in your Christmas?

Years ago at Christmastime, a schoolteacher in England oversaw the construction of a manger scene in a corner of her classroom. The students were so excited and delighted to set up the ...

November 29, 2017

What splits history in two?

Just about every country in the world has adopted a calendar that uses Christ’s birth as its base. World history is split into two not on the basis of the birth of great conquerors like ...